Godina i mjesto rođenja 1935, Münster, Njemačka
1958 Dr. med., Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u
Zagrebu, Hrvatska
1962 M.A. (psihologija), Filozofski fakultet Sveuči-
lišta u Zagrebu, Hrvatska
1963 Specijalist psihijatrije i neurologije, diploma
specijalističkog ispita, Medicinski fakultet
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu,Hrvatska
1965 Doktor znanosti, Medicinski fakultet Sveuči-
lišta u Zagrebu, Hrvatska
1965-1966 Postgraduate Fellowship & Research, Univer-
sity of London, UK
1970 FRC Psych Fellow, UK Royal College of
1959-1967 Liječnik, Odjel za psihijatriju, Klinička bolnica
Rebro Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu
1967-1968 Head of the WHO Interregional Advisory
Team on Epidemiology of Mental Disorders
1969-1973 Medical Officer in charge of programmes of
epidemiological and social psychiatry including
the programme of standardization of psychia-
tric diagnosis, classification and statistics
1974-1977 Chief, Office of Mental Health, World Health
1977-1993 Director, Division of Mental Health, World
Health Organization
1982- Professor of Psychiatry, University of Zagreb
1982 Senior Associate, Department of Mental He-
alth, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health,
1989- Visiting Professor, III. Medical School, Univer-
sity of Beijing, PR China
1993-2001 Professor of Psychiatry, University of Geneva
1993- Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, Washington
University at St. Louis, USA
1993- Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, New York
University, New York N.Y: USA
1993-2015 Member of the WHO Mental Health Expert
1994-1995 Professor Associé, Faculté de Médecine Pitié-
Salpêtrière, Université Pierre et Marie Curie,
1999- Scientific Director, WPA Global Programme
against Stigma and Discrimination because
of Schizophrenia
2001-2012 Visiting Professor, University of Prague Czech
2002-2005 Vice Chairman, WPA Presidential Programme
on Child Mental Health
2003-2006 Visiting Professor, University of Belgrade,
Serbia and Montenegro
2004- President, Association for the Improvement
of Mental Health Programmes
2006 Honorary Professor, Institute of Mental He-
alth, Peking University
2012- Visiting professor, Institute of Psychiatry,
King’s College, London
Članstvo u strukovnim udrugama
1963 – Member of the Collegium Internationale Ne-
uro-Psychopharmacologicum (CINP)
1980 – Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
1993-1999 President-elect and President, World Psychia-
tric Association
1997-2001 President-elect and President, Association of
European Psychiatrists
1999 – Member of the World Psychiatric Associa-
tion’s Council
2000- Honorary member of the European Psychia-
tric Association
2001 Founding Fellow of the International Society
for Affective Disorders (ISAD)
1980- Croatian Psychiatric Association
1980- German Psychiatric Association (DGPPN)
Počasni član strukovnih udruga
– the World Psychiatric Association,
– the World Association of Social Psychiatry
– the American Society pf Hispanic psychiatry,
– the National Postgraduate College of Nigeria
– the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
– the Royal College of Psychiatry of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain
-the American Psychiatric Association
– the Egyptian Psychiatric Association
www.mef.hr 97
mef.hr illustrissimi alumni illustrissimi alumni
– the Indian Society of Psychiatry
– the American College of Psychiatry
Nagrade i priznanja
Rema Lapouse Prize (Epidemiology), 1980
Harvard Award in Psychiatric Epidemiology and Biostati-
stics, 2002
Burgholzli Award for Clinical and Social Psychiatry, 2003
Prince Mahidol Award in Medicine, 2005
EPA Special Award for Clinical and Social Psychiatry, 2013
Lifetime Achievement Award of the Royal College of
Psychiatrists of the United Kingdom of Great Britain,2014
Lifetime Achievement Award of Croatian Psychiatric Asso-
ciation and Žirovčić medal, 2015
Lifetime Achievement Award of the Asian Federation of
Psychiatric Association
Doctor of medicine Honoris Causa University of Umea,
Doctor of Medicine Honoris Causa Charles University
Prague,Czech Republic
Doctor of Science Honoris Causa, University of Bath, UK
Doctor of Psychology Honoris Causa, University of
Doctor of Medicine Honoris Causa, University of Timisora,
Honorary member Academy of Medicine, Mexico,
Honorary member Academy of Medicine, Peru,
Corresponding member of the Royal Medical Academy,
Madrid, Spain
Honorary member of the Academy of Medicine of Croatia,
Zagreb, Croatia
Corresponding member of the Croatian Academy of Arts
and Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia
Honorary Tribute by the Pardes Humanitarian Prize Foun-
dation, New York USA
Uredničke funkcije u časopisima
Editeur associé, Psychiatrie et Psychobiologie: Section dia-
gnostic et classification (1987)
Honorary Editor, Psychiatria Danubina (1987- )
Corresponding Editor, General Hospital Psychiatry (1978-
Associate Editor, International Journal of Mental Health
Editor, WHO Expert Series in Biological Psychiatry (1989-1991)
Corresponding Editor, International Journal of Psychiatry
in Medicine (1993)
Co-Editor for Europe, Developmental Issues in Psychiatry
and Psychology (1994)
Chief Editor, Current Opinion in Psychiatry (1995-)
Co-Editor, Die Psychiatrie (2004-2009)
Associate Founding Editor, International Journal of Health
and Disability-related Stigma
Također član uredničkog odbora u više od 50 znanstvenih
Omiljene knjige (izabrane iz ukupne zbirke od preko
120 knjiga)
Wing JK, Cooper JE, Sartorius N. (1974) The Measurement
and Classification of Psychiatric Symptoms: An Instruction
manual for the PSE and Catego Program. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press; 233 (ISBN 0 521 203 821).
Sartorius N. (2002) Fighting for Mental Health, Cambrid-
ge: Cambridge University Press; English: 256p, (ISBN
0-521-58243-1) (also published in Korean by Hakjisa Pu-
blisher (2006), 318p, (ISBN 89-5891-339-8); in French,
Odile Jacob, Paris (2010), (ISBN 978-2-7381-2470-8); in
Croatian (2009), Pro Mente Profil, 252p (ISBN 978-953-
319-041-9), in German “Seelische Gesundheit: Standort
und Perspektiven” (2012), (ISBN 978-3-7945-2763-2),
Schattauer GmbH, Stuttgart and in Japanese (2013)
(ISBN 978-4-7724-1288-9).
Hopper K, Harrison G, Janca A, Sartorius N, Editors. (2007)
Recovery from Schizophrenia – An International Perspec-
tive. A Report from the WHO Collaborative Project, the
International Study of Schizophrenia. Oxford: Oxford
University Press; 370p (ISBN 0-19-531367-4).
Sartorius N, Schulze H. (2005) Reducing the Stigma of
Mental Illness. A Report from a Global Programme of
the WPA. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 238p
(ISBN 0-521-54943-4).
Helmchen H, Sartorius N. (2010) Ethics in Psychiatry. Inter-
national Library of Ethics. Law and the New Medicine.
45 573p Springer (ISBN 978-90-481-8720-1) Also avai-
lable as eBook.
Stuart H, Arboleda-Florez J, Sartorius N. (2012). Paradigms
Lost – Fighting Stigma and the Lessons Learned. Oxford
University Press, 304p, (ISBN 978-0-19-979763-9). (also
published in Japanese) Toshihiko, I. (Trans.) Tokyo: Chu
Hoki Publishing Co. (ISBN 978-4-8058-5192-0) (also ava-
ilable under Oxford Medicine Online).
Publikacije / radovi
Preko 500 radova u recenziranim časopisima i poglavlja u
Preko 700 technical contributions, prefaces, editorials, no-
tes, comments and interviews
Preko 120 knjiga i suplemenata znanstvenih časopisa (au-
tor, koautor ili urednik)
H Index: 111
Professor Norman Sartorius, MD, PhD, FRCPsych.
Association for the Improvement of Mental Health Pro-
grammes (AMH)
20 chemin Colladon